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More than thirty technology and communications companies have allied together in order to push forward for the creation of open and interoperable “Fifth generation systems (5G)”, allowing to eliminate the need for a single supplier such as Chinese Huawei.This alliance includes giant groups such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, AT&T and Vodafone, in addition to chip manufacturing groups such as Qualcomm, Intel and Samsung. The move comes against the background of geopolitical differences, especially between China and the United States, while the giant Chinese group Huawei dominates the fifth generation market, followed by the Europeans “Nokia” and “Ericsson”.Washington has banned “Huawei” from US networks in the name of national security concerns, and it is trying to encourage its allies to follow suit. This alliance, called “Open Run Policy Qualification”, says that an open system with invitations to tenders for different components (equipment, software, radio waves …) will allow avoiding dependence on […]