and posted in Technology

“Sony” revealed an unprecedented increase in the volume of demand for the “PlayStation 5” device, before its launch on November 12th.

Head of Sony’s games department, Jim Ryan, said that the company was surprised by a very large demand for the PlayStation 5, through reservation and purchase requests prior to its official launch. He explained that the company received pre-purchase orders on the device in the first 12 hours in the United States, comparable to what it received in the first 12 weeks of the previous device, “PlayStation 4”, reiterating “the demand is very, very large.”

The company has sold more than 100 million PlayStation 4 devices, and it aims to persuade its user base to buy the latest device for games like Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales with improved graphics, sound and feedback through the new controller.

The device’s launch comes in the midst of the Corona pandemic, which boosted gaming companies ’revenues but also disrupted retail networks and game development, production and sale chains around the world.

Ryan said, “Perhaps not everyone who wants to buy a” PlayStation 5 “on launch day will find a device to buy,” adding that the company is doing its best to provide sufficient supply for the shopping season at the end of the year.
